Voter fraud of any kind is rare, and there's every indication that recent history is free of fraudulent wins...until this year, that is. The culprit? One of the very traitors who've been driving our Republic to a divorce for years.
Conservatives have been complaining about supposed widespread voter fraud for years; yet now that a Republican in North Carolina's 9th district is actually committing coordinated voter fraud, we hear nothing but crickets.
It's no recent news that the conservative media and political elites have been fibbing to and bullying Americans with the myth of current voter fraud in order to push the onerous voter ID laws that suppress low-income and minority voters.
Just as insidious as the targeted suppression of American voters and the damage done to popular confidence in election results though, is the power to shroud crime and guilt that conservatives have created.
I call it malicious projection, and here's how it works. Conservatives project accusations of crimes and evils they're committing at anyone they're afraid of, and then when one of them gets caught they plead "both sides."
See, contrary to popular belief in some parts, conservatives aren't stupid; they know that sooner or later one of them will be caught red-handed, in this case it's Republican Mark Harris and his cronies committing voter fraud. All the whining about supposed voter fraud on the Democratic side serves to manipulate those who watch and listen to rightwing fake news; after years of lies, rightwing consumers have come away with an ethereal certainty that Democrats win by voter fraud. Remember, the truth doesn't matter -- they just have to repeat the lies often enough that it lodges in the brain. So now that Republican frauds are starting to get caught, Fake News, Hannity, and all the rest can use that ethereal certainty to claim the both-sides excuse. "Sure, Mark Harris is a bad apple, but both sides use voter fraud to win, see..."
Malicious projection is a perverse new twist on the boy who cried wolf fable -- the boy keeps crying wolf until one of his dogs gets caught killing someone, then he pleads "Well those wolves kill people all the time!"