Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Truth, Lies, and Family Values

First, the truth. A citizen group called Outlaw Dirty Money is gathering petitions for an amendment to the Arizona State Constitution, appropriately called the Stop Political Dirty Money Amendment. I would have called it something with a little more pop, but it does get the point across, and honestly at that. You can read the text of the proposed amendment yourself on the linked website, but in a nutshell here's what it does:

  1. All persons, businesses, and other organizations that spend $2,500+ to influence any election(s) must be publicly disclosed by said campaign. This is regardless of any middle-men who may pass dirty money from shady interests to corrupt campaigns -- if middlemen are involved, they must name the original shady interest who passed them the dirty money. The $2,500 figure resets with each 2-year election cycle.
  2. Both individual citizens and the Arizona Clean Elections Commission will have the authority to exact a civil fine from any dirty campaign, ranging from the undisclosed money that triggers the fine to three times that amount.

Now, the lies. The Arizona Legislative Council, an appointed body made up of ten Republicans and four Democrats, is pushing Proposition 306, a measure that would steal authority from the Constitutionally-endowed Citizens Clean Elections Commission and then sneak that stolen authority into Governor Ducey's Regulatory Review Council. Of course, Ducey and the Republican-domineered Council know that the Commission is wildly popular, and nobody in their right mind would support their effort to neuter it.

And so the so-called 'summary' that describes Prop 306 to the public is deliberately misleading:

  1. It omits the Clean Elections Commission's full purpose and scope -- to not only oversee the financing of political campaigns, but also to educate voters and to enforce the campaign finance laws that Arizona citizens voted into law in 1998.
  2. It omits the theft of the Commission's authority to make rules, instead giving the impression that the Commission would gain more rule-making authority.
  3. And it obscures the snookery of that authority to Ducey by failing to mention that the Regulatory Review Council isn't some impartial bipartisan entity -- it's a gaggle of biased bureaucrats hand-picked by the Governor.

And now we come to family values. We hear conservative elites bandy about the term all the time, but what do they mean? Well, in the conservative worldview, the family like all other things is hierarchical. Father knows best, mother exchanges deference and obedience for a patronizing kind of love, and the children are wanton amoral pets who must be distrusted and mercilessly overruled, manipulated, and disciplined. No really; if you don't believe me, go read Dare to Discipline. Now even most conservative families don't strictly adhere to this patriarchy, because despite what their elites would like us to believe, Feminism and our larger progressive culture has changed our society in ways both grand and subtle. But this strict family ideal does explain the ongoing machinations of conservative elites in Arizona and across the nation.

It's why the conservative elites of Arizona have been steadily chipping away, lying to and manipulating us, undermining our hard-earned rights since 1998 and before. We, the children of this great state and of the wider republic, are being abused by the so-called conservative movement. Because by their way of thinking, our limited ability to check their power via citizen initiative is too much; Daddy Ducey must rob us of that freedom. We are to be silent until spoken to. Hence, Prop 306 would strip us of our only check against the legislative overreach we experience daily.

We don't hear about progressive family values nearly as often, but they are both powerful and superior. In the progressive family, parents exist to love, respect, and compliment each others' abilities and contributions. Children are to be protected, nurtured, educated with fact, honestly guided to the full extent of their capacity, and ultimately treated like adults. In fact this is the only way that children become adults. Thus, the Stop Political Dirty Money Amendment is a shining example of progressive values at work: Its writers recognize us as both the sons and daughters of Arizona and as responsible adults, and their effort is to empower us with the facts that we need to be responsible voters, and to penalize irresponsible elites who hide the dark interests who have bought them.

So this Novemeber, remember your family values and vote accordingly. When you see all those conservative elites on the ballot, when you see the SPDM Amendment, ask yourself: Do you want to be treated like a nuisance that can't be trusted with facts or responsibility? Or do you want to be treated like a valued family member and responsible adult who can hold corrupt politicians accountable?

And also keep an eye out for other important citizen ballot initiatives, including two separate Voters of Arizona initiatives to roll back last year's successful scheming by the conservative elites to infringe on our citizen ballot rights.

1 comment:

  1. 6 campaign issues!!!!!

    1st item - Article IX, Section 22 of the Arizona
    Constitution (the cause of all budget
    problems) (PROP 108)

    2nd item - Opinion on PROP 108

    The following is my opinion about Prop 108:

    The idea that we, the voters of Arizona, must be “protected” from any possible actions or activities that might be taken or performed by government representatives who were duly elected to their posts undermines the very concept of a democratic government!!

    This can and does lead to a Kleptocracy loaded with cronies and more than a few thieves!!!!

    3rd item - Results of PROP 108 article

    This web site shows how the Republican party has been lying to the taxpayers about “lowering taxes”!!!!


    4th item - School budget

    K-12 Rollover:
    Arizona is now rolling over $952,627,700 of basic state aid payments annually.
    This means that state aid to schools currently consists of three deferred monthly payments from the prior fiscal year and nine (rather than 12) payments from the current fiscal year. Eventually these payments will need to be repaid as the practice is akin to borrowing on a personal credit card.
    The $952,627,700 total rollover amount consists of the following: $272,627,700 rolled over in FY 2008, $330 million rolled over in FY 2009, and $350 million rolled over in FY 2010.
    The current annual rollover amount is: $930,727,700!!!
    If you factor in inflation the amount now owed is about $1 Billion!!!


    This commission is part of the Arizona Constitution; Article IX, Section 17. It provides an annual report to the Governor and the leadership of both appropriation committees.
    The report sets the budget appropriations limit. It also sets the amount of revenue sharing for all cities, counties, colleges, and the aggregate total for all K-12 school districts!
    The web site is: https://azdor.gov/reports-statistics-and-legal-research/economic-estimates-commission

    6th item - Business/government

    We MUST convince voters that business and government are two very different things! They must NEVER be equated or compared!!!!!

    Governments use money to “serve” people!
    Businesses use people to “serve” money!
    They do not have the same priorities!
    It is impossible to operate a democratic government using a business model!
    They do not blend; but if one is very cautious some usefulness may result!

    When you mix vinegar and oil carefully it works on a salad!!
